Saturday, December 03, 2005

Saturday, Dec 3, 2005

I have made a decision.

Separating the writers blog and the crafters blog made sense to me. Sure, I will have to do TWO separate blogs, but I can put more details into EACH of the blogs and not have to worry about offending anyone. The crafters aren't interested in knowing about the sex I write and the readers aren't terribly interested in my crafts. SO, they are now separate but equal.

Today, I didn't write diddly. I need to, and I might get to it yet. It's only 5:30 pm right now. Who knows what can happen before I go to sleep.

A little reference material: I think this would be an interresting addition to my blog. I know I need all the help I can get.
This link has 1000 Verbs to write by, by Deanna Carlyle, that you can use instead of the same old same old. A wide variety of exchangeable words. I have put it on my Palm so I can vary my writing.

Congratulations to Jeigh for another review for Howl. I'm so proud of her.

O is still MIA. I sure hope she is having a great time on her vacation.

My youngest is doing her guarding of the parking lot at the football game with JROTC gig. She won't be back till late. The oldest is going to have company soon. A young man who is now in the military and on vacation is going to visit. Oldest daughter is actually dating another boy, but this one is persistent. He used to date a friend of Oldest Daughter and is supposedly interested in OD. OD is NOT interested in this young man, but is too nice to say bug off. He is doing his serving of the country thing and she doesn't want him to lose his momentum in his schooling.

Well, that's teenage angsty stuff for you. Glad I don't have to date. I just control the lives of characters in stories.

Enjoy your weekend, I'm going back to work.



Blogger Cheshire Cat said...

O is no longer MIA... well, at least for the mo'. O has been suffering buffeting winds that howl bitingly, loudly, and terrifyingly all day and night... accompanied by very very cold temps. Snow is en route also. O is thankful for sweat pants and sweaters -- all courtesy of the people in my building who toss out such things in the basement so I can retrieve them for my own wardrobe.

10:44 PM  
Blogger Brenda Bryce said...

Glad you are surviving no matter how you do it.

Stay warm, dry and out of the blustery winds.

10:56 PM  
Blogger Cheshire Cat said...

Thank you kindly, ma'am! Same to you and la family! :-D

5:51 PM  

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