Saturday, October 08, 2005

Saturday Oct 8, 05

Play day for me.

The MIL and I are going to a craft fair today. Yay! The teens and hubby are staying home alone!

Sorry I haven't blogged in a couple of days. My throat was hurting. I guess I had to get through the last of the ick so I could do my fun day. I have been plugging along on Midas' Treasure and WILL have it done by next week.

Going to go get me some coffee and hit the road.

I will be back on this evening to tell you all about the fair.

Oh, the laptop is reformatted, sort of. Having a little trouble getting Windows installed. Isn't it always something. Grr. Good thing the hubby used to be in IT.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awww how nice getting away from the kids...I went there also. I wonder if I saw you? How lovely.^^

12:40 PM  
Blogger Brenda Bryce said...

Snort! Smart aleck.

My oldest teen everyone... She decided at the last minute to join her grandmother and I to the craft fair.

1:15 PM  

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