Saturday, September 24, 2005

Saturday Sept. 24, 05

I know, I missed last night's blog.

I mentioned the rapist in town, the other night. Here is the story...

Worry and worry about the rapist, and knowing the hubster would nix the whole deal, ruining the youngests good time, I volunteered to stay up all night watching a football field with some tents in it.

Oh joy. There were 17 teen girls and two tents. Not to mention the 25 or so boys. Don't worry, we separated the girls from the boys with that Do not Cross police tape in the middle of the field. Worked great... One more thing I was keeping my eyes open for. Anyway, we set up our monster tent, then the daughter and I stayed in the van. LOL. Comfy as comfy could be. Daughter slept well, I slept an hour or so. But I did get considerable work done on Midas' Treasure, (which the contract has now been received by the bigwigs) and my knitting. Oh, and munching. I was showing my intelligence by hitting the local grocery store and finding the day old munchie aisle. I don't mind day old bakery items because they are half price and they would have sat around my house longer than that. :)

Where was I? Oh yeah. Munchies. I loaded up on the really good stuff and a deli sandwich and some chips. Sodas, I had at home, but got some ice. Loaded up the cooler, with caffeine free diet soda, the ice, cookies, cake, I think I put some strudel in there too. Made fresh coffee, filled the thermos and packed everything else up that an intrepid high school campout might need. That included my Palm, Alphasmart and yarn. Lots of yarn.

So there it was, midnight, taking my second potty break of the evening. Man that coffee goes through a person, when I hear what sounds to me like shots fired. Maybe a 25 caliber weapon, rapid fire. I am instantly on alert. I don't see anything but decided it was across the street from the school. All I saw was the weird little birdies that shot across the field at top speed running.

In the morning, I tell the Major what I heard. She looked at me and said, "Yes, I heard the car backfiring." I looked at her, shook my head and said, "Whatever you say, ma'am." and went to take the tent down. I'm not stupid. If the major wanted to hear a car backfiring, and since nobody got hurt, I guess it was a car backfiring. Strange though, there wasn't a car around at that time. I know...

Oh well.

So that is where I was last night. Tonight, I am working on my edits and watching Spongebob. Hey, great taste doesn't come easy you know.



Blogger Cheshire Cat said...

Congrats on getting so much work done on MT, and hope the rapist is caught soon.

The monster needs castration and serious jail time. I'd toss in severe torture and stuff but someone might then start up a vigilante group and begin accosting innocent people. However, I think it would be more than just to allow several beatings administered by his victims.

9:37 PM  
Blogger Brenda Bryce said...


I'm glad I got so much done too. I also hope they draw and quarter this guy when he's caught.

1:05 AM  
Blogger Mechele Armstrong said...

Congrats on the work getting done and the contract received and hope they catch the rapist!

1:39 PM  

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