Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Wednesday Oct 12, 05

And a Wonderful Wednesday to you!

I finally sent my editor Midas' Treasure so she can read it and see what needs to be changed. LOL Edits. The bane of my (and consequently my family) existence. Well, it has to be done. It is supprising how much better the story is once the pain and agony, tears and jeers are over. So, let's get to it!

Am spending the night watching food tv and working on the Tote... Gotta get it done.

I did write a short craft poem tonight. :)Snicker

Here it is:

Here I sit, all broken hearted,
Come to stitch but barely started.

So many patterns I want to try,
Not enough day, I think I'll cry.

I start a new project every day,
To get them done, I always pray.

Knit, plastic canvas, crochet and cross stitch,
Keeps me from turning into a WITCH!


Ok, so it did end on a different word, but I am keeping this blog kind of clean.

I spent a while tonight chatting with O and she is fine. No aliens, no illegalities... Poor thing. And I had such high hopes for her. Well, maybe next time.

Mechelle has been visiting my blog I see. Thank you darlin' kindly. Love you too.

Jeigh has been a blogging fool. Go you! Check it out. Let her feel the love.

O has been commenting on all the cool stuff. Thanks. Lurve Ewe.

On the home front I have to hand the Senior $50 for homecoming. Dang. Have I mentioned that Seniors are expensive. They are. I will be mentioning this again. Just to push the point into the ground. I am good at that.

I just found Mythbusters so I have to watch it, even though it's half over. Gotta take my medicines too. Don't want the asthma to kill me just two books into a five book series. That would suck.

Yall have a wonderful night and I will catch you tomorrow for the 'EXCITING LIFE OF BRENDA!!!'


P.S. I have been instructed by the Senior that I blew it the other day on the blog when I wrote the word @ss. Apparently, it should be @$$. My bad.


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