Saturday, September 03, 2005

Friday, Sept 2, 05

Sure, technically it is Saturday, but since I haven't been to sleep yet, it is still Friday to me.

Um, I just remembered the blog. I have been bad and reading. Ok, so that is a good thing. I took the day off and have been reading. Well, reading and fending off teenagers. They were restricted from the computers for the day by their father. I got to be the meanie and make it stick. I hid out in my room reading and they came and tried to bribe me regularly. Didn't work. I told them to take it up with their father if they had a grievance, I was just upholing management doctrinations. Essentially, I passed the buck. But in the morning, a few hours from now, their privileges will have been reinstated and I can hide without them barging in when I am reading. LOL

I am going to do a tiny rant here. So, if you don't like rants, skip this section.

Here's the deal. I have been busting my tushie trying to get rid of head hopping. That is where you are in one characters point of view and jump to another's and back and forth and... Well you get the idea. I have been instructed that point of view shifts are a bad, evil, villainous thing and publishers and readers alike hate it. I am reading this really great story from a reputable epublisher, and the head hopping is making me insane. I keep wanting to make notes to change the pov. (it is what I do to mine, I am really bad at it and have to go back over the entire manuscript and spend days fixing it, so it catches my eye easier now.) My rant is, NOT FAIR!!! I do all this work and this other author at another publisher gets to do it.

OK!!! RANT OVER! For those of you who skipped, you can tune in now.

My day was quiet except for the teen angst and having to pick up my youngest from school. She has joined the armed drill team of the high school's JROTC. Very excited individual I have there. She has drug out the BB gun to show me all the moves she has learned in two days. Luckily, I spent three years on the drill team in my JROTC unit in MY high school, so am knowledgeable in that field. They are on their own in math, I suck at that, but flinging rifles at other dorky teens. I am stellar.

So, It is now past 2 am, I did laundry, waged war with wasps, cleaned out my dishwasher and tested it on numerous loads of dishes and did my motherly duty of making my teens miserable. I think I will return to the ending of my story and get some rest.

Have a nice day all!



Blogger Cheshire Cat said...

Had a bit of a guffaw at your dealings with the teens and the computer. Guess they had a bit of withdrawal, eh? lol.

Re your rant: POV shifts occur a lot, and not always well, in many stories, be it print or e-book, etc. It's a common evil that crops up in stories, rather like gremlins and dust bunnies. Be that as it may, it is an editor's job to ensure that constant head-hopping isn't happening, and a writer's job to be vigilant about it. You really should be proud of yourself for noticing and catching this now, in both your own works and others'. Buck up, bay bee! I think you've got it! ;-D

9:14 AM  

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