Saturday, August 27, 2005


Howdy everyone.

Good evening. Well, my dishes are done and all but one load of laundry is done. Whew. What a day.

I am sitting here working on a crochet project. It is a horse pillow for the mil for Christmas. Hoping to get it done tomorrow. That would be one more project completed.

Let's see. Today, I messed with the settings on the blog and hopefully anyone can post messages to me. Here's the rules. If you get rude, I will delete you. I will ignore you and make you insane. I know that if someone is being irritating it is because they are looking for attention and I will treat you like a two year old and ignore you till you go away or take a nap.
Other than that, including the whole sex thing I mentioned the other day, that's it. Just be nice or go to another group. This ain't the one.

Now, to the good stuff.


Well, I didn't have to cook tonight. Hubby was in the mood for butt burners. Lemme explain. We have this little mom and pop Mexican food restaurant just around the corner. They have the hottest hot sauce in town and it is too good to pass on. Love the stuff. I get cravings at least once a month. Now to explain the butt burner nomenclature... If you have ever seen that Cheech and Chong movie, the one Cheech Marin is hollering Come on Ice cream... well, these burritos make you call for the ice cream. :)

Now that you are thoroughly disgusted, lemme tell you about a contest. Loose-id authors are holding a contest. It has to do with puzzle pieces and prizes. Readers will search out puzzle pieces on websites, weblogs, newsgroups... just anywhere we promote our stuff. I think the idea is to gather puzzle pieces from different sites and win. I will have more information soon as the contest starts around the first of Sept.

I have offered a copy of Regulating Archimedes and some bookmarks.

As I find out information, I will share it with you, the lucky readers of my blog.

I have been chatting with one of my groups and am still working on my horse pillow.

I think I should close for tonight and come back tomorrow. I am watching Sci-fi, crocheting and chatting. There is only so much even I can do. LOL




Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do hope your MIL will not see this...if so you just gave away her Christmas present. As we've talked about her feeling regarding sex, I'm assuming your safe. LOL

11:18 PM  

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