Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Opening Post

Welcome to my blog. blog. blog... hm. Maybe I should tell some people about it. Otherwise, I am just talking to myself. Later.

Today was a good day. My book The Society 1: Regulating Archimedes came out yesterday. A lovely lady in my crochet group told me it was great and that she read it all in one night. I thought WOOHOO! Someone likes it. Cheers, kudos, hooplas. Yes, I was jazzed.

That was this morning. After a day of taking the oldest to the high school so she could work the library and pass out textbooks, I went to the grocerystore. I came home, tossed a lovely stew into the crockpot, and gave away 8 hand crocheted bookmarks. The penis ones. Took them to the post office to mail, and picked up the daughter.

That is how exciting my day was. Emailing everyone under the sun. I am no dummy. Gotta get the word out there if I want a cult following. LOL. So I pressed, pushed, and begged for people to buy my book. I know of 5. LOL

This evening though, my whole day was made. I got my first review. Ecataromance has a lovely reviewer that hunted my hard to find tush and shared with me her soda shot through the nose experience. I loved it. Laughed and laughed. Then I checked out the actual review... and proceeded to jump up and down hollering, "Five, Five, I got a freaking five." I thought it rhymed very well, but as I glanced around to soak in the joyous expressions on my husband and son's faces... hm, they were looking at me as if I had snapped. Oh well, I proceeded to instruct them in the high art of reading reviews. I put it in their terms. I won.

I feel as if I have won. I am glad that the reviewer seemed to have loved Regulating Archimedes, and hope that I don't get any negative reviews. That would be a bummer.

Anyway, once I tell some individuals and groups about my wonderful, one item blog, then I won't feel as if I am talking to myself. Best get to that.

Brenda Bryce.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you wrote: "A lovely lady in my crochet group told me it was great and that she read it all in one night."

Wow, I felt old the first time I read this statement..LOL. Really though, I DID read the book in just one day and thought it was wonderful! I read somewhere in one of your later posts that you're working on number 3 so I'm anxiously awaiting news of number 2! Keep up the great work!!

5:40 AM  
Blogger Brenda Bryce said...

Oh darn. That wasn't my intention... Ok, lemme rephrase.

A young, hot chick, who happens to fall into that new craze, crochet, told me...

Hows that?

6:25 AM  

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