Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Wednesday, Aug 31 05

Here we are again.
I am so excited. I made a couple of bookmarks today. No, not one of the ones I sent out as prizes, but nice ones. They came out very pretty. I didn't make the pattern, but I did follow one I found online. I love the internet. Anything I may want, I just have to look for. Wonderful.

Last night, I finished the tote. I haven't decided what to do with it yet, but I may keep it, I may give it as a gift, or I may give it to a winner of a contest. Haven't decided yet. But here are some pictures of it. It is 19 inches across and 12 inches tall.

Today, Jeigh and I worked on the upcoming newsletter Nightsweats. I am really interrested in seeing how it goes over with the readers.

To get readers, I think we are going to go the bribery route. A wonderful woman, who loves bribes, suggested it. Sounds good to me. I will have to suggest it to Jeigh. :)

Mythbusters will be on soon, and I wouldn't want to miss them. But I have a couple of minutes so thought I would take care of this evenings log.

You know, I don't have one plant in the house. Yes, I know this comes out of nowhere, but I am an admitted plant killer. I try, and I try, but they persist in dying. I don't know what I do wrong, but sheesh, I am to the point of buying fake flowers so I can admire them without the trouble.

Ok, my I am dying here. My youngest was talking to me, she told me to tell you she made the armed drill team, but she had finished her very long story and stood to leave the room. Halfway to the door, she noticed Mythbusters was starting and perpetrated the most interresting, U turn I have ever seen. She tried to play it off but I started laughing. Now she is mad at me for writing this but it is the funniest thing to happen all day.

Have a good one.



Blogger Cheshire Cat said...

Ooh! More craftsy schtuffs?! Very nice! But not as nice as those crcocheted man-things. *leers* lol

10:11 PM  
Blogger Brenda Bryce said...

:) Occasionally I have to think about non sex things. Although, the new, nice, bookmark is having troubles. My kids say it isn't as NICE as I thought. According to them, it looks like sperm.


5:55 PM  
Blogger Cheshire Cat said...

Well, now, that would be just totally appropos! Man-things and spermies! Perfect! Now, gimme gimme! lol.

7:42 AM  

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