Saturday, September 10, 2005

Saturday, Sept 10, 05

Heydi-ho neighbors. (Yes, I stole it from the comedy show)

Today, I read. I inhailed two books of a series that isn't all out yet. Paper, Lovespell. Multi-Author series. Crimson City by Liz Maverick and A Taste of Crimson by Marjorie M Liu.

Gonna try to put links to the titles, so this post may take a while. I enjoyed both books. The world is fresh, and a great new concept. The predjudices, regular SOP (standard operating procedure) for this world or any other. If it is different, it must be bad. These three factions: human, werewolf, and vampire are trying to live in peace, but it isn't working too well. This series is giving us the battle on the fine line between all out war and an uneasy peace. Very interresting books. I hate to say that I liked A Taste of Crimson better ONLY BECAUSE the heronine was a fiesty bitch. She was popping off wisecracks that had me rolling. I do love humor in my mysteries. The hero, well, he was a special case. Gotta love him. In Crimson City, the heroine comes into her own power and the hero is not the usual hero you find. Empathising and caring for this hero was easy to do. I sure don't want to ruin either of these books for you, so you can read them for yourself and make up your own mind.

When the next ones come out, I will be sure to read them as well.

Otherwise, it has been a quiet day. Lazy Saturday. I must break down and iron tonight. Blech! We know how I feel about ironing. Oh well. Hubby has to go on an out of town trip tomorrow and I don't want the freulines to think he is fair game. Ironed shirt=wifey with a hot iron and not afraid to use it, ON THEM!

Oh, no officer, I would NEVER do that!

Anyway, I am going to be left with the teens, all alone to fend for myself, for a whole week! Whatever will I do? Sigh, probably work on my story. Sad but true, Brenda just isn't a party animal.

On another front, I have been waging a losing war all day. I have somehow tweeked out my Palm. I have turned it into a non syncing beast. Also, my documents to go has somehow reverted from a good copy to one that is a thirty day trial. ARGH. As I said, hubby is leaving and he is my IT guy. He HAS to fix it before he goes. He just has to. Best get to humoring him, and kissing up.

Since I have done my duty to me and my shadow, and written out my ever exciting blog, I will now dig around and see what other books I have to read. Then I will suck up to hubby, get my Palm operational, iron some clothes and I guess that will have been my action packed day.

How's yours?



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